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Justin Adams
Né àMissouri
26 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires
Christine Roper

I have tons and tons of memories with Justin. But when I sit and think of Justin the first thing that always comes to mind is how goofy and funny he was. He was such a prankster. I remember this one time when I was working at McDonalds, Justin and Mark came in. Justin was holding his nose, and told me that Mark had punched him and they was hollaring back and forth. They had me believing that they was really fighting. They did this all the way to the back of the resturant.  When I walked back there they just started laughing. It was so funny!!! Justin was a wonderful person that was taken from this world to early.

The memories are all the sweetest ones. Justin had a heart of gold, he would do anything in his power to help a friend, or family member. Life was never very good to my son, one thing after another, he always said he had a black cloud following him around, and through the years it seemed true. Now  he is at rest, I like to believe with my father "GRAMPS" and there are no more disappointments and pain.
Les Mémoires Totales: 2
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